Monday, October 22, 2007

The Greatest Woman Ever

It only seem appropriate to have my beautiful wife as part of my blog. I would literally be nothing without her. She puts up with so much from me, if there was an award for putting up with a husband she would be the winner. She does not give herself enough credit for what she does. If she had a downfall that would be it. She is way too hard on herself, she is the "nice guys finish last" of the female gender. She gets taken advantage of a lot because she is so giving, or as she says "I've not learned the art of saying no." She is so much in our family she is a Mother, Teacher, Psychiatrist, Chauffeur, Chef, Seamstress, Lover, Companion and soooo much more...oh yes you can't forget "Sucka'". that is my term of endearment for her(it's a long story).
I love her so much. I am the luckiest man...ever!!! Somtimes I can't believe that she has been able to put up with me for 9 years, and she continues to go forward putting up with more and more every day. Well I could go on and on, but I'm sure the other things I should probably keep to myself. Needless to say she is the love of my life and I pray that she will continue to love me through all of my falts & imperfections. I Love You Bethany!!:)


The Girls' Mom said...

Awww Shucks! You're too kind Sucka. I love you lots though.

Autumn said...

I think she's pretty awesome too. :) I can only have The Great Ones in my circle ya know.

I love you too Bethany.

Wendi and Matt said...

so cute! it was a lot of fun meeting all you! hopefully the next time it will be no stress for me :)